
Should a Woman Call a Man She's Dating?

Dating can be a complicated dynamic. When we first start dating a new guy we want to put our best foot forward. We tend to be polite, genuine and if we hit it off, we'll be looking forward to the next date. Early in a new relationship there are a lot of questions that run through a woman's mind, including when will he call? There's a lot of bantering regarding the question should a woman call a man she's dating. The general answer is no although there are a few exceptions to this dating rule.

There is only one circumstance under which you should call a man after a first date. Only do it if you took his number and declined to give him yours. If the man has your number and he said he'll call, don't pick up the phone and call him. Never should a woman call a man after a first date. The reason is that it's an unspoken rule that if he doesn't call, he's not interested. Calling him after a few days or a week will put him in an uncomfortable position. Men who enjoy a first date will automatically program the woman's number into their cell. They want to ensure they can get a hold of her to ask for date number two.

If you are already comfortably involved in a relationship, you've probably wondered should a woman call a man she's already dating. Again, the answer is typically no. The exceptions are if he was expecting you to call or if you promised him you'd call. Many relationships fall into a certain routine. The woman takes on the role of the communicator and she's the one who initiates most of the contact. She'll call her boyfriend to see how he is, what he is up to and when he wants to get together next. Eventually she'll come to realize that he's not the one picking up the phone to dial her number. When this happens, the woman almost always begins to question who has the stronger feelings.

If your boyfriend promises to call you at a certain time and he doesn't, don't call him. Your mind may race through every scenario possible including he ran off with another woman, he was involved in a serious car accident, or his cell phone failed and he can't remember your number. None of these things happened. What did happen is that he's gotten lazy and either forgot to call or just didn't see it as a priority.

Wait for him to call. If he doesn't, go out and do something fun. If you wait for him to call and put your life on hold you'll start to resent him and the relationship. This isn't what you want. Once he realizes that he hasn't heard from you, he'll call and want to know what you've been doing. A little mystery is often just what a relationship needs to thrive.

You need to always remember that men and women view phone calls, emails and text in very different ways. If you make the mistake of calling too frequently, at the wrong time or before he's ready to hear from you, you can actually turn him off. Women unwittingly ruin their chances of a future with a man because they are too over eager to communicate with him. Don't let this happen to you. For more answers to the age old question of when you should and shouldn't be calling the man in your life, visit this helpful site.

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